miércoles, 29 de abril de 2020


Hello everybody!

I love receiving activities from you! Remember to send me your works to my e-mail account:

Encántame recibir as vosas actividades e ver como ides progresando. Non vos esquezades de enviarme os vosos traballos a seguinte conta de correo electrónico:


To acquire a language , we need to receive lots of input, that´s why oral activities are so important.  Para adquirir un idioma necesitamos recibir moito input, por iso son tan importantes as actividades orais. 

Keep sending me videos like this one.

Seguídeme mandando videos coma este.

martes, 28 de abril de 2020

Food lesson plan year 1 28/4 (1º Primaria)

Hi girls:

Today we are going to continue learning more about food, don´t forget to revise our morning routines! 

1 Activity: Food Vocabulary

Here you have a list of words related to food. Click in this web page to see how they are pronounced, It´s very entertaining.
Aquí tedes unha lista de palabras relacionadas coa comida. Fai click nesta páxina web para ver como se pronuncian. É moi divertido.  A capela group 

2 Activity: Ask  oral questions to your family.  I.e.: Do you like pizza (Possible answers: yes, I do/ No, I´ don´t)

Fai preguntas orais a túa familia.

Exemplo: Mummy, do you like watermelon?
                Mummy: Yes I do  (si)
                Daddy: do you like lemonade?
                Daddy: No, I don´t (non)

3 Activity 
Create 6 small sentences using I drink/ I eat

Facer 6 frases orais e  6 escritas utilizando o vocabulario que aparece arriba empregando as estructuras: I drink (eu bebo) e I eat (eu como)

Exemplo:                         Debuxo

I drink water                   (debuxo da palabra auga)
I eat pizza                       (debuxo da palabra pizza)

4. Watch the following video and draw a picture of what the caterpillar ate.

What did the very hungry caterpillar ate?  Draw a picture
Fai un debuxo da eiruga larpeira dicindo todo o que comeu (podedes escribir o nome da comida asociada a cada debuxo)

A semana que ven continuaremos traballando actividades deste clásico tan coñecido de Eric Carle.

Have a good week

Games lesson plan year 2 28/4 (2º Primaria)

Hello everybody,

Today we are going to learn a little bit about games. Don´t forget to revise our morning routines.

Activity 1
Here you have a list of words related to games. Click in this web page to see how they are pronounced. It´s very entertaining.

Aquí tedes unha lista de palabras relacionados cos xoguetes. Fai click nesta páxina web para ver como se pronuncian. É moi divertido.  A capela group 

 Activity 2: 

Choose a picture of your favourite toy, draw it and write a small description.
Elixe o teu xoguete favorito, debúxao e fai unha breve descripción sobre él.

I.e. My favourite toy is a_______

It is________ seize/tamaño (big/ small/medium sized)

It is ________colour/color (red, pink, blue, purple, orange, green, yellow...)

It is made of_______ material/ material (rubber, wood, plastic, metal, glass, paper)

Activity 3:

Toys Game:

Click  here to play:

Toys 1

Toys 2

Activity 4

Listen to this story: "Morris wants more..."


Emotions lesson plan year 3 28/4 (3º Primaria)

Hi kids:

Today we are going to revise emotions, don´t forget to revise our morning routines.

Activity 1- How are you today? 

Click here to do the following activity:


Activity 2:

Draw different flashcards  with the emotions that appear on these video:

Debuxa diferentes tarxetas co nome das emocións que aparecen no video:

Activity 3:

Click here to do this activity:
Fai click aquí para realizar esta actividade:

How are Mr Orlando and his friends feeling today?

Activity 4:

How are you feeling this week? Cómo te sentes esta semana?

Write a diary of how you feel every day, don´t forget to write the emotions you feel.  Escribe un diario dicindo cómo te sentes cada día da semana, non te esquezas de debuxar as emocións que sentes. (Non necesitas imprimir o modelo podes facelo ti utilizando un folio)

More practice about the past simple year 6 28/4 (6º Primaria)


Hope you had a fantastic weekend. Here you have more activities to  keep practicing the past simple

Activity 1 : PAST SIMPLE GAME!

And listen again:

 Activity 2:

Transform into past tense (Regular verbs)

Remember to add "ed" to the main verb.

I play chess.               …………………………………………………………………………………………………

You clean the toilet.                 ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Mary visits her grandma.            ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Peter  repeats his speech.             …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

John paints pictures.                 …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

They don't collect stamps.                     …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Pedro Campos’ paintings look very realistic.             …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Maria uses a pack of cards            …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Johan opens the door.             ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

Activity 3:

Click here and do this online activity

Remember that the irregular verbs have their own form , you don´t add ed

Sports lesson plan 28/4 (5º Primaria)

Hi guys:

Today we are going to keep revising sports. Don´t forget to keep practicing our morning routines that I posted last week on the blog!

Activity 1

Watch the following video:

Activity 2 
Look at the examples of the presentation and fill in the gaps using the verbs do, play and go.
Fíxate nos exemplos da presentación e eche os ocos utilizando os verbos do, play  e go.

When do we use play, do and go? 

We use play with ball sports and competitive games
i.e.  play football, play basketball

We use do for sports that do not use a ball
i.e. do yoga, do karate

We use go with activities that end in ing
i.e. go swimming

Activity 3

Click here to do this online activity (you can also do it in your notebook)

Do, play or go? Sports

Activity 4: What´s your favourite sport? 
Writing activity

Write a small essay describing your favourite sport.
Fai unha pequena redacción  sobre o teu deporte favorito. Podes tomar como modelo as seguintes frases que aparecen subliñadas

What´s your favourite sport? My favourite sport is______ (o meu deporte favorito é)
Why do you like this sport? I like_______ because... (Gústame o/a______porque...)
How often do you practice this sport? I practice______ once a week/ twice a week/ every day/ once a month... (Practico o/a______ unha vez a semana/ dúas veces a semana/ tódolos días/ unha vez ó mes...)
What equipment you need to play this sport? When I practice this sport I need ______a ball / googles/ a net/ a racket/ a bat... (Cando practico este deporte necesito______ unha pelota, gafas, unha rede, unha raqueta, un bate...)

Baby shark! Infantil 28/4

Hello kids,

How are you? happy? sad? sleepy? angry?

Do you remember this song? 

Today we are going to learn about the family.

Hoxe imos aprender un pouco sobre a family.

I hope you like the activities

Espero que vos gusten as actividades.

Activity 1: Morning routine songs  (empezamos a sesión cunhas rutinas de cancións que publiquei a semana pasada no blogue)

Acitivity 2: Learn members of the family with these flashcards (aprende os membros da familia coas seguintes tarxetas)

Baby shark flashcards

Click in this web page to see how they are pronounced, It´s very entertaining.
 Fai click nesta páxina web para ver como se pronuncian. É moi divertido.  A capela group

Activity 3: Listen and dance (Escoita e baila)

Activity 4: How to draw baby shark (Facemos un debuxo de baby shark seguindo as seguintes instruccións)

Baby shark drawing

You can colour and make this headband

Baby shark headband

City lesson plan 28/4 (4º Primaria)

Hi guys:

Today we are going to keep revising places in the town.

Activity 1: Listen and repeat the words

words5, una ficha interactiva de melikeakgul

Activity 2: Listen to this song and draw a picture including some of the lyrics of the song (Escoita a canción e fai un debuxo utilizando algunha frase da canción)

Here are some examples:

Activity 3: Reading Activity
Read the text and answer the questions (Le o texto e contesta as preguntas)

jueves, 23 de abril de 2020


Good morning ladies and gentlemen!

Today is the WORLD BOOK DAY! so I have decided that we are going to read one of our favourite stories from school: Pete the Cat, too cool for school.

I love Pete the cat! It´s so funny!

Don´t forget to click  on  the library blog, there is a surprise for you! O blogue da biblioteca




Activity for Arts: Create a poster or a drawing using the motto of the story "If you want to be cool just be you". Use your imagination and creativity! The pictures you send me to the e-mail: teacheranaenglisharts@gmail.com  will be published in the blog next week.

Remember: Next week we have English class on Tuesday and Arts on Friday.

Actividade para Plástica: Facer un póster utilizando o refrán da historia: "Se queres ser guay simplemente se ti" Utiliza a túa imaxinación e creatividade! As imaxes que me enviedes ó correo teacheranaenglisharts@gmail.com serán publicadas a semana que ven no blogue.

Recorda: A próxima semana temos clase de Inglés o martes e de Plástica o venres.

miércoles, 22 de abril de 2020


Good morning!

Today we are going to revise... NUMBERS!

I hope you like the activities.

Kindergarden/ Infantil

Listen to the following songs and cartoons/escoitar as seguintes cancións e debuxos animados:

Learn numbers with Maisy:
Numbers song. Let´s count 1-10: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85M1yxIcHpw

1 2 3 4 5 once I caught a fish alive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ir_l7qTiZ4

Do the following activity about numbers/Facer a seguinte actividade relacionada cos números (3,4 anos primeira folla, 5 anos ambas) 

1 and 2

1. Story: Explore San Francisco Count to 10: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vBheUgwNe8 

2. Listen to the numbers 1-20

3. Game:

4. Worksheets:

3 and 4

1. Listen to the pronunciation of the following numbers:

3. Game:

4. Activities:

Write the name of the following numbers:

 Complete with the correct ordinal number:

5. Play bingo with your family at home.  Here are the bingo cards. Don´t forget to shout out the numbers in English!


You have 15 numbers from 1-90, and you cross out the numbers when the caller says each number. You shout: BINGO when you cross out all the numbers.

5 and 6

1. Listen to the pronunciation of the following numbers: https://www.languageguide.org/english/numbers/


3.  Activities:

Write the name of the following numbers:

Complete with the correct ordinal number:

4. Play bingo with your family at home. Here are the bingo cards. Don´t forget to shout out the numbers in English!


You have 15 numbers from 1-90, and you cross out the numbers when the caller says each number. You shout: BINGO when you cross out all the numbers.

martes, 21 de abril de 2020


Ola a tod@s:

A terceira avaliación consistirá en reforzar e ampliar contidos.
A partir da semana que ven, valorarase positivamente todas as actividades que entregades de Inglés.

Podedes entregalas na seguinte dirección: teacheranaenglisharts@gmail.com

Os días que publicarei material (a partir da semana que ven) serán os seguintes:
Martes- Inglés
Venres- Plástica

O obxectivo de facelo desta maneira é non solaparse cos especialistas das outras materias que subirán publicacións ó blogue os restantes días da semana.

lunes, 20 de abril de 2020

Morning Routines (4º5º6º)

Hello everybody,
We are going to continue with revision activities.
Today we are going to revise the months of the year, the days of the week, the seasons and the weather.
Here are the morning routines which we use in class. You can use your portfolio or you can use the images below.
You can use this model every day when you practice English.

Ola a tod@s,
Seguimos con actividades de repaso.
Hoxe imos repasar os meses do ano, días da semana, estacións e tempo atmosférico e países de Europa.
Invítovos a seguir o modelo de morning routines que traballamos no primeiro trimestre. Como algúns de vos deixastes o portfolio na casa, déixovos a copia aquí.

Podedes practicar este modelo como rutina cada vez que teñades que facer algunha actividade de Inglés


This is the result of your  marvellous masterpieces! Este é o resultado das vosas marabillosas obras de arte. Imagine you are in a museu...