miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2020

English activities

 Ola a tod@s!

Desde a área de lingua estranxeira do CEIP Doutor Suárez presentamos unha serie de actividades para minimizar o impacto da suspensión da actividade lectiva. Moito ánimo nestes días de confinamento!

Kindergarden/ Infantil

If you´re happy

One little finger

Counting from 1 to 10

Baby shark

We´re going on a bear hunt

I see something blue

Sleeping bunnies

Rain rain go away

Learn farm animals

Head, shoulders, knees and toes

Hockey Cokey


We´re going on a bear hunt

The color monster:

Dear zoo

Brown bear, Brown bear what do you see?  


Counting from 1 to 10

Rain rain go away


Days of the week

Months of the year

The alphabet chant

Head, shoulders, knees and toes


Baby shark


Shake it out 


Hokey cokey 


Do you like broccoli ice cream (3 distintos con distinta comida)

Banana, banana, meatball


The colour Monster

Go away big green Monster  

Oi frog      

Activities and games to practice numbers, the alphabet, family members and food: 

Year 2 / 2º de E.P.

Days of the week


Months of the year

Old McDonald had a farm 

Hokey cokey 


The alphabet chant

The clothing song for kids

Banana, banana meatball


The colour Monster


Dear zoo


Brown bear, Brown bear what do you see?  

Pete the cat: too cool for school

Oi frog

Days of the week


Months of the year


The alphabet chant
Hello, Goodbye 

All together now

Love, love me do

Banana, banana , meatball


Oi frog e Oi dog

Home Alone


Activities and games to practice verb to be, numbers, weather, months of the year, days of the week and means of transport:   

Year 4 / 4º de E.P.


Days of the week

Months of the year


Hello goodbye:

All together now

Love, love me do



Para cantar e bailar: I gotta feeling 

Banana, banana , meatball


Oi frog e Oi dog


Home Alone


Activities and games to practice present simple, numbers and places (os lugares da cidade aínda non os traballamos na clase):

Year 5º/ 5º de E.P.

 Activities and games to practice prepositions:

Activities and games to practice present simple and present continuous
e deportes (aínda non o traballamos na clase):


Yellow submarine

Hello, Adele

Para cantar e bailar: I gotta feeling 


In my mind, in my head

Banana, banana , meatball


Home Alone


Year 6º/ 6 de E.P.

Activities and games to practice the past simple:

Songs to practice past simple:


Mamma said

Para cantar e bailar: I gotta feeling:

In my mind, in my head


Banana, banana, meatball:

Tale: Home Alone

More activities in English for the quarantine:

Apps: Duolingo, Wlingua, LingoKids, BritishCouncil Kids, BritishCouncil A1-A2

Cartoons: Pocoyo, Peppa Pig, The magic school bus, bubble guppies, Sid the science kid, superwhy, tram umizoomi

Contos en Youtube

Arts and Crafts:

Libros de Black Cat Publishing starters

1 comentario:

  1. Hola profe Ana!
    Gracias por los videos, los seguiremos escuchando y ensallando.
    Un saludo de Javi y Nai
    Seguimos en contacto



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