Hello kids:
I hope you had a fantastic week!
We are going to continue to learn a bit more about games.
Keep sending me your work to the following e-mail account:
1 Activity: Speaking/actividade oral
What´s this? It´s a board game. You need to throw your dice and answer the multiple-choice questions related to the number of the square where you land. (it´s a good way to revise the parts of the house that we learnt during the 1st term)
Qué é isto?
É un xogo de mesa. Tes que tirar o dado e responder as preguntas de opción múltiple que aparecen no número da casilla que caiades (é unha boa maneira de revisar as partes da casa que aprendimos no primeiro trimestre)
Start: comenzar
What´s this? que é isto?
Roll the dice: tira o dado
Go backwards: ir hacia atrás
What can you do here? que podes facer aquí?
Can you name two things you have in your...? podes nombrar dúas cousas que tes no teu...?
Activity 2: Listen to the story/ escoita a historia.
Activity 3: Story Activities/ actividades da historia
You can choose to do one or two of these activities/podedes elixir unha ou dúas destas actividades.
- Try to find words in the story and read them/ intenta buscar palabras da historia que coñezas e leas en alto.
- Draw a picture about the story/ fai un debuxo da historia.
- Choose interesting words from the story, write them down and decorate them / escolle palabras interesantes que aparezan na historia e decóraas.
Activity 4: Listen to this song! Which toys appear in the story?
Escoita a canción! Que xoguetes aparecen na historia?
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