martes, 2 de junio de 2020

Brown bear, brown bear what do you see? Infantil 2/6

Good morning/ Buongiorno/ Bonjour/ Guten Morgen/ Buenos días/ Bos Días/ Ohayo/ Gozaimasu/ Dzien Dobry...

Welcome to another week.

Benvidos a outra semana.

Here you have one of my favourite book about animals: Brown Bear, Brown bear what do you see.

Aquí tedes un dos meus libros favoritos sobre animais: Brown Bear, Brown bear what do you see.

Activity 1

Listen to the tale and try to repeat the name and the colour of the animals at the end.
Escoita o conto e trata de repetir o nome  e a cor dos animais que aparecen ó final.

What´s your favoutire animal from the book? My favourite animal is the purple cat.
Cal é o teu animal favorito do conto? O meu animal favorito é o gato violeta.

Activity 2

3 year old students- 4 year old students- 5 year old students/ Alumnos de 3 e 4 e 5  anos

Podedes elixir facer algunha das seguintes propostas:

5 year old students/ Alumnos de 5 anos.

Wordsearch/ Sopa de letras

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