martes, 31 de marzo de 2020

Healthy breakfast

Good morning everyone!

Today I am going to prepare a healthy breakfast! Why don´t you do this at home?

The ingredients of our healthy recipe are:

1.  Strawberries
2.  Avocado

3.  Bread
4.  Peanut butter
5.  Bananas
6.  Olive oil
7.  Tomatoes

8.  Cottage cheese

Task1- Watch the first video and repeat the name of the ingredients

Task 2- Watch the next videos and try to make your own healthy recipe.


  Do you like it? I love it!

Please, send a picture or a video of your recipe to the following email:
Be creative and original! (Envíanos unha foto ou video da túa receita ó seguinte enderezo electrónico:

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