martes, 5 de mayo de 2020

Past simple lesson plan 5/5 (6º de Primaria)

Hi guys,

How are you? Here are the activities for this week. Please, keep sending me your work to the following e-mail:

Activity 1: Video: Past Simple

Revision of the Past simple (regular verbs)
Repaso do pasado simple (verbos regulares)

Activity 2: Kitty´s school day!

Click here to the activity: Kitty´s school day

Do the preparation activity to help you with words from the video.
Realiza a actividade de preparación para que podas entender mellor as palabras do video.
Watch the video then play the game to check your understanding.
Ve o video e logo xoga ó xogo para comprobar se entendes a actividade.
Print the worksheets for more practice.
Imprime as ficha para practicar máis.

Activity 3: Quaratine Diary

Write a diary of your quarantine using irregular and regular verbs in the past
Escribe un pequeno diario do teu confinamento utilizando verbos regulares e irregulares en pasado.

Last week I walked in the mountains. It was fantastic! I felt fantastic!
Yesterday I cooked a cake with my parents. It was delicious!
On monday I made my English homework

walked- past simple of walk (regular verb)
was- past simple of the verb to be (irregular verb)
felt-past simple of the verb to be (irregular verb)
cooked- past simple of the verb cook (irregular verb)
made- past simple of the verb maken (irregular verb)

Remember to use words like:

Last week (a semana pasada)
Last month (o mes pasado)
Yesterday (onte)
two days ago (fai dous días)

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