martes, 5 de mayo de 2020

Sport heroes year 5 5/5 (5º Primaria)

Hi guys,

How are you? Here are the activities for this week. Please, keep sending me your work to the following e-mail:

Activity 1: What´s the name of the sport?

Activity 2: Reading  

a) Warm up:  click here to watch the following video



b)Answer the following questions /contesta as seguintes preguntas:

Remember:  wh questions: How many (cantos) How long (cada canto, neste caso significa canto dura) What (que)

1.  How many players are there on one basketball team?

2.  Is basketball a team sport or an individual sport? It is....

3.  How long is a basketball game?

4.  How many points is a basket from behind the three point line?

5. What do you need to play basketball?

Activity 3: Writing

Write a description of your favourite sportsperson.
Below there are some examples to help you. 

Fai unha descripción do teu deportista favorito.
Abaixo tedes algúns exemplos para axudaros. Podedes elixir calquera deportista que vos guste (non ten que ser dos exemplos)

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